Roger Geldard DPAGB, BPE5*
Roger joined Wigan 10 in 2021
About: Roger started doing sports photography and developing his own black and white images in his early twenties, during this time he joined South Manchester Camera Club where he made many friends and served on their committee as syllabus secretary and then club secretary. A busy family life led to him retiring from the club and doing very little photography for around twenty years. Roger restarted his photography journey in 2011 when digital cameras became more mainstream taking up his interest in sports photography again. In 2016 he made his first venture into nature photography with a trip to Mull. Roger’s photography time is mainly spent travelling to get nature images although he still enjoys doing sports, portraiture and landscape photography.
Hobbies: Travelling, cooking, messing about with computers and family time.
History: Roger started work with British Telecom before moving on to Siemens and then to various software development companies. Now retired he finished his working life managing a small team developing financial software using C# and SQL.
What Roger has to say: No matter what path you take in life and what hobbies and interests you have, keep an open mind to what you can learn and become successful at. You only get better at things by learning from your mistakes and putting the time and effort in to improve.