PocketWizard Photo Contest Winner

Austin Thomas recently won the PocketWizard photo contest with his image of a starling in flight.   Resulting in a very interesting article on the PocketWizard website, giving an in-depth insight to his setup when photographing wild birds. An excerpt taken from...

Bempton Cliffs – Seabirds

Kitty & Geoff along with Joanie B enjoyed a couple of days on Bempton Cliffs photographing the seabirds and tree sparrows. Although the conditions were not best for photographing white birds but the lovely sunny weather was more than welcome.

Dancer Photo Shoot

The Club’s latest photo shoot took us to a location hidden in the depths of Warrington. As with all outings there are two objectives. The first is, obviously, to capture images and the second, which is equally important, is to enjoy the day. Both aims were...

Tutbury Castle

Quite a lot of regional amateur photographers went to today’s photography event at Tutbury Castle. http://www.tutburycastle.com The weather was good, but with harsh light at times.  The models ranged from military, to period costume with fair maidens and men in...